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Fish Curry Made With Milk

It has been more than a decade since I moved to Singapore with my little family. The life I knew before was forever changed, never again the same. I don't exactly know which was the bigger challenge: the  fact that I have immigrated to another country or that I was newly married (well 1 year is considered a short time now, considering...... newly married indeed hahaha) with a baby in tow too. Many big changes happened all at once.  It would be fun to revisit all those memories and write about them; of periods where we were still adjusting not only to a new place but also to each other, the person you're with. Add to all those craziness is also a baby. How much should we feed her? Is she sleeping too long? Why won't she sleep at this hour? Are we supposed to shake her? 🤣. The answer to that last one is of course NO. Thought I put it out there just to be clear.  Thinking about that time today makes me smile. But I sure don't want to re experience it again. It was challen
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Warm Beef Udon for Cold Days

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The Yummiest Porridge I've Ever Tasted! (Bubur Ayam)

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