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Fish Curry Made With Milk

It has been more than a decade since I moved to Singapore with my little family. The life I knew before was forever changed, never again the same. I don't exactly know which was the bigger challenge: the  fact that I have immigrated to another country or that I was newly married (well 1 year is considered a short time now, considering...... newly married indeed hahaha) with a baby in tow too. Many big changes happened all at once. 

It would be fun to revisit all those memories and write about them; of periods where we were still adjusting not only to a new place but also to each other, the person you're with. Add to all those craziness is also a baby. How much should we feed her? Is she sleeping too long? Why won't she sleep at this hour? Are we supposed to shake her? 🤣. The answer to that last one is of course NO. Thought I put it out there just to be clear. 

Thinking about that time today makes me smile. But I sure don't want to re experience it again. It was challenging times. 

For now tho, I have a fish curry recipe to share. 

Before Singapore, I never knew how a bowl of fish soup with milk can be so delicious and satisfying. I never even knew you can combine fish with milk. My world was small. Today however, fish soup with milk is definitely one of my favourite Singaporean food. With that knowledge in mind, I even substituted the coconut milk in this curry recipe with evaporated milk. Not that evaporated milk is better, it's just that I didn't have coconut milk available. I had no doubt tho that using evaporated milk would not downgrade the taste, and I was right. The curry tasted rich, although in a different way. It was wonderful and addictive. Hence, I decided to keep it in my repertoire forever. 

Here’s the ingredients :

3 fillets of toman fish
1/2 tbsp bumbu inti (white) 
1 tsp ground tumeric 
1/2 tbsp ground chili 
2 tbsp chopped red onion 
1 tbsp chopped ginger 
1 tumeric leaf 
1 big red chili 
2 stalks green onion 
150 ml evaporated milk 
1/2 chicken bouillon 
Salt to taste

1. Cut the fist fillets to bite size pieces then marinate them in lime juice (juice of 1 lime) for about 20 minutes, then rinse clean. 

2. Heat up about 2 tbsp of cooking oil and saute together all the spices and herbs except for the green onion. 

3. When it starts to smell fragrant, pour the evaporated milk, salt and chicken bouillon. Keep stirring until it starts to boil. 

4. Toss in the fish and let it simmer. Be careful not to turn the fish around too much so the flesh won't break. Cook the meat for about 15 minutes then put in the green onion. Leave some green onion for garnish, they taste wonderful. Or you can also garnish it with coriander leaves. Yumm

5. When the green onion starts to wilt, make sure you have checked for taste to suit your preference, and take the dish off the heat. 

This goes really well with rice, a match that is meant to be. But if you prefer to eat it with bread, that's cool too 🤷

 #homecooking #easyrecipe #fish #curry #halal #homemade #sgfood #sgfoodstagram #sgmotherhood #stayathome #sglife #motherhood #sginsta #cookingathome


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