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BTS Singapore Concert January 2019

It is now almost the end of 2019, which is roughly almost 3 years ago since I wrote my last post. What can I say, motherhood is hard. Especially when the little bundle of joy (there are times when I try hard to say this without any hint of irony) cannot even wash his own behind after completing business.He is still unable to do that, but at least I have a rhythm going and it seems I can squeeze in time for myself here and there (in between the washing of the behind). Time to be myself, time to relax and do what I want (within the given time limit hahaha....sad), time to consult my own thoughts (being almost 40 years old, of course I talk to myself, I need expert advice). But, on the other hand, I do cherish the time when they are young, wishing they could stay little forever and be with me. Odd. Such is life.

That being said, the reason I am filled with urge to start writing again, well at least for this time, is that I want to document the amazing thing that happened to me which was........................... BTS concert in Singapore. Was that not at all you were expecting?

The concert was held in January 2019, it felt like it went by lightning fast. Considering the long wait ever since the concert was announced, and then the agonizing wait and efforts put out just to be online at the right time to secure tickets. Oh my days, I have never experienced anything like that before. I logged on using 4 different gadgets early morning of the day the tickets planned to be released. Tossed and turned in my sleep, and finally, all prayers answered, out of the 4 gadgets, 1 gadget was able to get through and secure tickets. 35 minutes after we purchased ours, all the tickets are sold out. Unbelievable. They are legends, for sure.

I should share here that my fascination with BTS began, I'm sure, not that different from the experience of many of their Army. One awesome performance, leading to one meaningful song, then another and another and another. Then, it is official, I fell into the BTS hole. They win me through a lot of points: solid performance, meaningful lyrics, catchy beats and of course, their underdog story. Their seemingly honest yet embarrassing behavior helped too somewhere along the way. Actually at first I thought they were famous because their 'reality' shows were fun to watch, they seem more like a variety show bunch than a music group (I mean on stage they look so cool, aloof, normal, well put together behavior, but off stage.... :D :D :D :D.......... they are very entertaining human beings) . But seeing their performance, especially live shows, changed my mind. Here is their very first video that introduced me to the fascinating group that is BTS.

Here is our pic before the concert where people thought I was being such a cool mom letting my girl to go see BTS. What they don't realize is the Army is me!!! Naylla did not even know 1 song! But, it is amusing to watch her pretend to lipsync to the songs just to fit in with her BFF next to her who is big big Army. As you can see here my bias is Suga. That guy is (nowhere low key) smart. It definitely shows in the lyrics he made (especially in diss songs,ohmagerd) and of course his tongue technology raps :D. So why take Naylla anyway...? The reason is obvious for Armies....BTS is unlike any other group/band, and they always deliver, I mean they did not win AMA tour of the year 2019 for nothing. Their performance is a must see, she will thank me later when she can boast to her friends, even later on in life, that she once saw BTS on concert :).

I have to also add that as much as I am a big fan (older generation Army right here!), I don't think I would have made the big effort to go see them in concert if it were not for the fact that it was held in Singapore. My other experience attending a concert was for Link Park in Jakarta back in 2004 (aaaww Chesterrrrr :(( ). It was a whole day event, filled with sweat, tears,muscle cramps, heat strokes etc. So so tiresome just to queue and stand in line until the concert began. When it finally did, I already used up 65% of my energy, so tired (though I was still super excited for them). So, naturally I had expected the BTS concert in Singapore will be something similar, considering BTS is so popular, the Beatles in my time famous. But very fortunately, the organizer in Singapore is world class professionals. Attending a concert cannot be more of a breeze. No standing in queue for too long (not even more than 5 minutes!), and we leisurely walk into the stadium, found our seats no problem, and we were able to enjoy the show like as if we were attending a musical or opera or something. So chill and relax!

Look at the sea of purple...!!!! So much love felt that night. Purple you fellow Armies.

And so with this, I am making another promise to myself (goal as you can say as we are nearing the end of 2019), that I will post more often. Heard that one before. But this time I mean I did last time.

Lastly, here is a BTS oldie, lyrics of which really touch me in my jellies.


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