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Showing posts from July, 2020

Fish Curry Made With Milk

It has been more than a decade since I moved to Singapore with my little family. The life I knew before was forever changed, never again the same. I don't exactly know which was the bigger challenge: the  fact that I have immigrated to another country or that I was newly married (well 1 year is considered a short time now, considering...... newly married indeed hahaha) with a baby in tow too. Many big changes happened all at once.  It would be fun to revisit all those memories and write about them; of periods where we were still adjusting not only to a new place but also to each other, the person you're with. Add to all those craziness is also a baby. How much should we feed her? Is she sleeping too long? Why won't she sleep at this hour? Are we supposed to shake her? 🤣. The answer to that last one is of course NO. Thought I put it out there just to be clear.  Thinking about that time today makes me smile. But I sure don't want to re experience it again. It was challen

Warm Beef Udon for Cold Days

For reasons unknown to me, though it hardly matters, I've been having ideas to make Japanese style food at home. Not because of any specific reason, it is just so happen I have the ingredients ready and this particular recipe is very simple to make. Least effort for the biggest punch, is my motto. Not to be lazy, it just makes sense! Lazy*coughs hard*. We have been enjoying cool weather in Singapore, so something soupy is often preferred. No day other than today is more perfect to enjoy Beef Udon. It takes maybe roughly 20 minutes to make, but the taste makes you think I have been slaving myself at least 4 hours in the kitchen, just for the broth alone. While in truth I have been slaving myself all over the house cleaning and disinfecting here and there all day. Is anyone else also doing this?  The broth has character yet it is refreshing. I hope I'm making sense. I don't sometimes when I reminisce about food I ate. It is a problem. Here I made 2 bowls: one for me and one f

And Then There Was Corona. Beef Yakiniku Recipe

It is still unbelievable to me that I am living in the time of the pandemic. Months after, and we are still trying to normalize all that has happened, which is near impossible to do. People are trying to get by, to function again amidst all this chaos. But to be on the optimistic side, we just have to accept that there will be things that will remain a thing of the past. For one, travelling will never be the same, though I have no idea when I will travel again. All travel plans this year have been pushed to next year, best earliest estimate for my family to safely travel haha (as per my version).  So far, this has been a downer post, but I am also here to share my beef yakiniku recipe. So here goes.  The recipe for this is really simple but I found my mother asking for the recipe details at least once a month, and she's an excellent cook. Thus I wonder whether this recipe is more difficult than I thought. Should I lay it out here step by step and play by play? Not a bad idea. I mea