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Showing posts from January, 2016

Fancy Chinese Dinner at Chynna - Kuala Lumpur Trip

What I like the most about Chinese food is the light, simple, and the clean taste of most of their dishes. Sure it can be greasy at times, but the taste always leaves me feeling 'light'. I'm sure to some, this can be a bit confusing, but allow me to explain. Being practically raised by my grandmother who was born and raised in Bengkulu, Sumatra, I have been accustomed to the Bengkulu, Sumatra cuisine which utilizes a lot of spices, herbs, not to mention coconut milk in most of our dishes. Even my grandmother's famous chicken soup involves at least 7 different type of herbs and spices that I know of. Unfortunately, after she passed, none of us are able to figure out the recipe to her wonderful soup. This is a something I truly regret until this day, because that means I could never replicate the soup, I won't be able to experience again that familiar, soothing taste, and this makes me miss her just a little bit more. Foods from Bengkulu are mostly spicy, cooke

Kuala Lumpur Trip - Baby BEEF Back Ribs at Tony Roma's

Believe it or not (perhaps at this point, you'd believe it), our trip to Kuala Lumpur was mostly driven by our desire to eat ribs at Tony Roma's. Both Jourdan and I are big fans of beef, especially the ribs (for him), and beef tongue (for me, but this is saved for discussion another time okay :P). Unfortunately, Tony Roma's in most parts of the world is not a halal establishment, which is totally reasonable considering they are famous for their baby back ribs. So where to go if we're craving for some juicy, meaty, tender, mouth watering ribs if not the Tony Roma's in Malaysia? This was basically the main idea of why we made that trip to Kuala Lumpur the other day. Yes, we definitely are willing to travel for some good food. How I wish we could do this for a living, travel to eat :D. It'd be great if this were also supported by a hobby of exercising and keeping the body fit. Alas, we can't have the best of both worlds. Well, technically we can, but we

Kuala Lumpur Trip - Hilton Kuala Lumpur and Authentic Malaysian Cuisine at Madam Kwan's

Time sure flies by fast. I can't believe that it's the second week of January already! I think I'm still in the holiday mood, and so is Naylla who has started school but already asking me when her next holiday will be. Ooohh not a good sign. Anyways, I love the beginning of the year, months like January, February, because it means it's the awards seasons!! And I'm a sucker for those. Yesterday, I just saw the 2016 Golden Globes Awards; I was surprised Lady Gaga won a Golden Globe, and was pretty disappointed that Amy Schumer didn't win, but I guess Jennifer Lawrence must be really good in Joy, though I have not seen it yet. Now, after that one is done, I am now really looking forward to the Oscars :). Though, I don't really follow current movies anymore, I still enjoy the award shows. But, it has been better over the years, because when I was younger I would plan my schedule around the airing of the Oscar's, I'd even apply for leave for that

Bali Trip - Halal Dimsum at Renon Restaurant and Kuta Beach

Good news and bad news for this post. To get it out of the way, let's start with the bad news first. The bad news is, in the process of saving the pictures for the post, I ended up deleting them instead (whaattt? idiot right....?). But, the good news is, I was able to retrieve some to at least make this a decent post. How did I manage to delete the pictures? I have no idea myself, I think I was still half asleep when I pushed the button*raawwrrr. It was 23 seconds until I realized what was going on, but by then, everything was too late T-T. Oh well, such is life. We move on, right? So anyways, learning from our adventure at Padang Padang Beach, we decided to purposely visit one of the more famous beach in Bali, the Kuta beach. If you've ever been to Bali, most likely either you have heard of it or visited this beach yourself. But before that, I want to share with you this affordable halal dim sum eating place that we visited in Denpasar. Living in Singapore, it's diff